Bravo! We need more of this in our universities, our country and our world. My favorite line was “you will be the last”

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This is an amazing article. I’m encouraged by it. You are setting an example to others on the importance of not taking abuse from people in positions of authority. We need to respectfully stand up for ourselves and others across all aspects of life. Thank you!

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The narcissism and sense of entitlement in these people are off the chart. You’d think he’d just roll his eyes and move on if he disagreed. Wimps.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

that last letter from winslow probably still deserved a


fuck you"

response, just on principle

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Agreed but part of me loves the fact that it goes unanswered too.

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A wonderfully feisty tale! Thank you. Stay the path. Other students need to see these acts of courage and dissent, and will take heart and follow suit. Our inalienable rights must be protected at all costs.

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max, bravo! You might have missed the key connection in his signature bloc. He is an internationalist, some would call a globalist; essentially ‘post-American’, and his type generally consider natural rights, the bill of rights, and liberty to be a series of speed bumps on their way to controlling the global population moment by moment. He presents as ignorant or disloyal of or to American principles. He might think that those ideas are passé, quaint, or even actually lives to be part of an oppressive, globalist apparatus. These folks are often crypto technical fascists. That said, we always leave the door open in case his eyes are one day opened. He just might not have made the connection!

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Outstanding summary and thank you for your courage to stand-up against a powerful tyrant.

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Bravo! You and my sons give me hope that there are indeed brave students in elite colleges who aren't fearful of authority but stand their ground and show the right way.

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Thanks very much for using your head, "while supplies last," as my MD-father used to put it. We have seen too much of a culture of sissies and bedwetters who magnify the panic instead of helping their fellow men deal with it. To me the contrast between the firm resolve of Churchill and the people of London in 1939 and the pervasive panic culture of early 2020 are almost beyond comprehension. Inevitably all counter measures that we're born from panic made things worse not better.

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Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022

Very well written...thank you. You point out very clearly a sad development in our times of "certain elements of our medical and military elite are on a collision course with American liberty". I believe Gen Milley and SecDef Austin III are also glaring examples of this "woke" arrogance that flies in the face of the Constitution they have sworn to defend. Sadly, as someone much smarter than me has said, power corrupts and we are seeing that very clearly happening with our government leaders at all levels of Executive, Legislative, Judicial and Military and in the Academic world as you can attest to.

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Air Force (Army Air Corps) brat, and Army vet. Winslow should look up 'fragging'. It sounds like a fit.

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Methinks this guy protests too much. Something may have struck a nerve.

I leave it to the counsel to determine what caused the hyperinflammatory response, but if I may conjecture, it seems like a serious inflammation of the ego with a compound hyperreaction of the submissiveness gland.

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Props to you for your beliefs and standing up for them. Unfortunately, Dr. Winslow and the other clowns running Stanford and teaching there have greatly devalued a Stanford degree.

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They will be found out. Leave it to our creator. He never fails!

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