I’m part of the “ bureaucracy” at Stanford and I am so glad you found the administrator who actually responded to common sense. I, too am pained by the University’s horrible response, ignoring science, violating principles of informed consent and acting with a complete lack of integrity when their motto is all about the winds of freedom. I would love another article about why more students didn’t stand up against the ridiculous dictates. People, when they band together can change everything. My biggest issue has been the inability to find other faculty students and staff who could have banded together to withstand this - because people are too afraid to lose their status, position or paycheck by speaking their truth against the “acceptable “ narrative. You are exactly the kind of person Stanford was designed for. So sad they lost their way

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From what I've read recently, Stanford's admin has been systematically dismantling student social life for several years now. Frats, theme houses, etc., all closed, emptied out, and replaced with soulless, anodyne numbered/lettered units. So if you want to know what happened to the ability of students to exercise independent thinking and solitary against managerial tyranny, you might look at the war that university administrators have been waging on students in the name of safety, equity, inclusion, etc.


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y'all couldn't have circled wagons around people like Jay Bhattacharya? I mean, I understand it's difficult to risk your standing by voicing objections to the orthodoxy, but given he was loudly protesting, perhaps he could have served as a conduit to connect like-minded people and let a minority opposition organize. Still hard to be the only one in your day-to-day workplace though, I know.

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Any school in the SF Bay Area is going to be controlled by morons, so you're lucky you met someone who was willing to help you.

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Thanks for sharing your story, yeah this is beauracracy run completely amuck. The worst part is so many probably think they're doing what's best.

Misplaced altruism can have the same affect as purposeful evil

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now THIS is what I expect from a Stanford grad! Well done.

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The ignoring of science is everywhere, to the point that it seems much more partisan/political and some would claim financially driven. I love that you have posted your story to show the nonsense for what it truly is!

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Stanford is just like the rest of US academia that value conformity and submission of its hostages, I mean students. The most abusive institutions for the anti-science mandates are the universities and frankly it's everywhere the Fascist Left is dominant. They love this power.

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Can confirm. The school I work at tried to fire me for not getting jabbed, despite working from home. These authoritarian fabulists are drunk on power and tripping balls on ideology and they're loving every minute of it.

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Thank you for sharing your story! We have dealt with vaccine discrimination at another CA academic institution. Your story helps us to continue our efforts to stand up for our freedom especially in the face of unreasonably and unscientifically founded standards.

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this times 100x ! I left my PhD program over covid-control because this threat of mandatory perpetual boosters was one farce too far. With all my studying and research I wasn't 10 feet of another student for years but the university was sending me very threatening/toxic non compliance emails by mistake even after i was vacc'ed. It became very obvious it had nothing to do with public health.

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Did you know that any university with a medical school has a pharmaceutical industry representative on their board?

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America can be saved by a total drawndown in bureaucrats. 90% cuts. give the leftover money to the adjunct professors.

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Wow. Putting a photo of the Burghers of Calais was incredibly moving. I'm guessing most people won't get the reference because most people don't know anything about art or history. (And, to be fair, it's a bit obscure today, decades later.)

Wonderful coda. It's rare for art to deliver such a firm and graceful ending.

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Thank you for the art history lesson. Yes - a fitting end to a tragic modern situation.

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You should have gone to Cal and you wouldn’t have had these problems… oh, wait…

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Jun 17, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022

I almost didn't get my degree from NLU National-Louis University after completing all requirements rthe admin claimed that I was missing some stuff. I was outraged. My instruction had to prove that I had completed all requirements and I felt lucky somehow.

I couldn't believe how nasty people can be. Apparently some people were in disagreement with some of my ideas and perhaps there was jealousy about my abilities. We had a group exercise where we had to explain our survival strategy in case of being in a plane crash. Unbelievably some students got very angry and hateful that my idea was not the correct answer (which was to remain in the aircraft and wait for help and NOT to wander away). There must have been other reasons for the hate but the people were just so immature and narcissistic I was flabbergasted.

At first I was confused but now understand the ugly truth about woke colleges and wokeness in general. How disgusting woke people are!

The most important part of my "education" is the ugly truth about woke people and institutions. How disappointing and jaded they are!

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Stanford's actions violate the Nuremberg code.

We demand prosecutions.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

As best I can tell (thanks Wikipedia) the Nuremberg code is not legally binding, though in 1991 similar provisions regarding informed consent were codified in US law under Part 46 of Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and prior to that, the United Nations had in 1976 adopted the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (under which Article Seven prohibits experiments conducted without the "free consent to medical or scientific experimentation" of the subject.)

The problem being that informed consent is only required for researc ... the definition of which, I'd imagine, is open to debate by you and I, but not by those who control our legal and medical institutions (once the medical authorities approve it, it is no longer experimental?)

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Research Rockefeller University and all will be clear.

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