As a Stanford alum from the early eighties, I’ve watched with dismay as the institution has devolved into an overpriced country club warehouse for pseudo-intellectual halfwit crybullies and crackpots. Every issue of the alumni magazine is filled with virtue signaling bullshit. Every time I see another episode in the Stanford Woke Follies in the news, I cringe. I used to be proud of my affiliation with Stanford. These days, not so much. The only consolation via schadenfreude I have is that seemingly every formerly elite educational institution in the country seems to have swallowed the same misbegotten Neo-Marxist regressively idiotic ideological Koolaid. I’m sorry that your experience at Stanford was tainted by the irrational imbeciles who have turned the school and our country into a nonstop clown car act. It used to be a fantastic place for everybody.
It is genuinely terrifying to imagine this country’s institutions controlled by these maniacs. It is so much faster and easier to dismantle a functioning republic than it is to build one.
What a disgrace! The question "Is the juice worth the squeeze?" is the heckler's veto dressed up in modern idiom. The heckler's veto, a doctrine in first-amendment law, was repudiated 70 years ago by the Supreme Court.
It's also probably not coincidence that the target was one of the two judges who struck down the unconstitutional OSHA jab mandate.
p.s. I came to Stanford in 1986 (Class of 1990) and have been friends with George Webb since we were in the same freshman dorm. He pointed me to your excellent substack.
As a Stanford alum from the early eighties, I’ve watched with dismay as the institution has devolved into an overpriced country club warehouse for pseudo-intellectual halfwit crybullies and crackpots. Every issue of the alumni magazine is filled with virtue signaling bullshit. Every time I see another episode in the Stanford Woke Follies in the news, I cringe. I used to be proud of my affiliation with Stanford. These days, not so much. The only consolation via schadenfreude I have is that seemingly every formerly elite educational institution in the country seems to have swallowed the same misbegotten Neo-Marxist regressively idiotic ideological Koolaid. I’m sorry that your experience at Stanford was tainted by the irrational imbeciles who have turned the school and our country into a nonstop clown car act. It used to be a fantastic place for everybody.
It is genuinely terrifying to imagine this country’s institutions controlled by these maniacs. It is so much faster and easier to dismantle a functioning republic than it is to build one.
What a disgrace! The question "Is the juice worth the squeeze?" is the heckler's veto dressed up in modern idiom. The heckler's veto, a doctrine in first-amendment law, was repudiated 70 years ago by the Supreme Court.
It's also probably not coincidence that the target was one of the two judges who struck down the unconstitutional OSHA jab mandate.
p.s. I came to Stanford in 1986 (Class of 1990) and have been friends with George Webb since we were in the same freshman dorm. He pointed me to your excellent substack.